Thursday, May 17, 2012

Does This Gown Bring Out My Backfat?

As I'm preparing for the perils of REAL LIFE as I move towards my high school graduation, I am finding that I keep hitting all of these milestones that continue to remind me that I will soon be responsible for myself. In a perfect life, I'd graduate high school with a perfect idea of where I will work for the summer and exactly where I will be travelling. Even my free days would be perfectly scheduled with hour by hour appointments with friends I won't see as much once I begin attending USU (major in Journalism with an emphasis on Print Publication, Minor in Gender Studies!).

The other day, I went on a walkabout around campus with my best girlfriend Tacie Lynn Hyer. It was, at first, a trivial night of Jamba's and gossip, but as we began our hour long stroll about the Utah State campus, I realized how soon I will be a student there. Peeps, this is some big shizz. I'mma be a college student. Break out the bedsheets, I'm ready for the toga parties!

In a week full of auditions, concerts, and closing banquets and socials, I've been looking for some sort of reminder that moving on is, in fact, going to be a positive thing. Today, however, that reminder was found. Before I left Sky View to go to my usual lunch spot (I think it was Pizza Plus today...not sure though), I went to pick up my cap and gown. Yeah, my graduation cap and gown. It's such a beautiful thing. I suppose this post seems so gushy, but when you think about it, it really is an amazing thing.

I reflect so often these days on my years in public school. I think of all the people I've met, the classes I've taken, and the events that have taken place. If you compared Senior Brock Christian Wilson to Freshman Brock Christian Wilson, I'm not even sure they would get along. First of all, Freshman Brock Christian Wilson was adequately skinnier than Senior Brock Christian Wilson, that slut. But other than that, I've truly realized how much a person can grow in four years.

On the lighter side of things, it's recently come to my attention that I've been losing weight. It was first brought to my attention by my parents back in February, but the other day as I sprung up the stairs to the kitchen, I had a revelation of the grandest kind. MY BACK WASN'T JIGGLING! No matter how high or far I jump now, my back stops moving when the rest of me does. It's a beautiful thing.

Loves and Z-Snaps,

Brock Christian Wilson

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